
Bespoke Shirt of Old Themes

I happen to think that ginghams and checks are a natural fit with a blue blazer as a rule. In my view they’re a less formal type of shirting more fitting to the reduced formality the blazer encapsulates. However, owing to the fact that a couple of years ago they were worn everywhere by everyone I’d tired of seeing them and hitherto banished them from my wardrobe -an error of judgement on reflection. I’m hoping that the combination of coloured but subtle check paired to a subdued tie will provide that sense of relaxed formality which has so far eluded me.

Now, the shirts themselves are from Haroutunian’s off the peg range of formal shirts, which retail for £39 individually or £75 for 3. The made-to-measure are made in the same family owned workshop, and the cloth is 2 fold Egyptian. I have to say pound for pound these are about the best low cost off the peg shirts I’ve yet found.

In fact I’m so confident in my recommendation that I’ve asked the family whether they will manufacturer shirts for my own label. Thanks to the encouragement of Mensflair readers I’ve decided to take the plunge. One of the first projects will be two shirts over which I have a fixation. The first a good cocktail cuff shirt, and a button down oxford in its original form, with no interlining in the collar - a subject on which I’m currently doing some research.

It’s funny how certain themes keep on reoccurring.

For more details about bespoke suits and shirts, please go to TailorU's website.

